Born Gay?  Good Question.

Maybe the question isn't "Was I born gay?" but rather, "Does it matter if I was?"

Think back to when you were three years old. You're not the same person today as then.

Over the years, you've made choices to change. You weren't born with a knowledge of math, history and English. You chose to educate yourself. Think about babies; some have been born addicted to drugs. Are they destined to spend their lives addicted? Of course not! They are given the help they need to recover, to live healthy lives.

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I've tried changing before... why will this time be different?

Even the best-trained soldier can't win a war... alone. You've battled a secret war and have been fighting it... alone. You have a dream of how you wan to live the rest of your life. Maybe with a family or just being able to have relationships with other people, without getting "those" feelings and messing everything up.

You've fought hard and endured a lot of loneliness to keep these dreams alive. You're to be congratulated! Many people would have crumbled long before. If your persistence and courage were all that was required to win the battle, you'd be free today. Unfortunately, that's not enough.

You need support and guidance from others who have had the same experiences, real people who can encourage you. Reality dictates that you can change your sexual orientation. You do have a choice; you don't have to be gay.

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By reaching this far, you've already started. How about some more good news? You're not alone in you fight anymore. We understand your struggle… "been there, done that!" There's nothing you could tell us that'd make us think you're anything less than the beautiful person you really are. We can help you achieve the dreams you've envisioned for so long. We'd like to offer you the support you'll need to attain your goal.

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Wow! What do I do with this new information?

Obviously you'll have many questions, some on a very personal level. You'll want truthful answers, and it's your right to have them. This is why it's important that you don't just read this website, but follow through and contact a local ministry or other support system. We can help you move forward. Your confidential call will be treated with respect and discretion.

And remember, we're people who've gone through all the craziness… the conflicting emotions and raging hormones that you're presently trying to cope with.

Homosexuality is a painful and confusing issue for anyone to live with. You've been through so much already. We know that you can win this battle! We did. Let us help you find the freedom you've been looking for.


For an online support program, please head on over to